
World Hello Day 2021 Quotes, Images, Caption, Drawing, and Messages to Share

World Hello Day is celebrated every year on 21 November. The word hello is used as a greeting to end conflict and to start a conversation without force or violence. Seeing a growing hatred and mutual brotherhood in the world, a person started ‘Hello Day’, so that mutual love remains between the people. The day, which is now celebrated in more than 180 countries, began 45 years ago by Brian McCorman, Ph.D. had done It is said that Graham Bell loved his girlfriend Margaret Hello very much. He used to affectionately say hello to them. In such a situation, when he invented the telephone, he first took the name of his girlfriend on it. It’s not that people in the world didn’t have words to greet before Hello. Experts believe that appropriate greeting words were in vogue several hundred years before the invention of the telephone. But with the association with the telephone, the word hello became famous all over the world.

As the World Hello Day is being observed on 21 November. Conscious people making aware their near and dear ones. Thousands of people are searching on google for World Hello Day Quotes, Images, Caption, Drawing, and Messages. To fill up your need, here we are with some of the best World Hello Day 2021 Quotes, Images, Caption, Drawing, and Messages to Share. These Best World Hello Day 2021 Quotes, Images, Caption, Drawing, and Messages to Share are worth sending to your loved ones to be aware of the objective of World Hello Day.

World Hello Day 2021 Quotes, Images, Caption, Drawing, and Messages to Share

Together we can make this world a happier place to live if we agree to talk with open hearts and open ears…. Happy World Hello Day!!!

World Hello Day

 On World Hello Day, let us say hello to our shortcomings to make them our strengths and this world a new place to live….. Best wishes to you.

There are plenty of examples in history where violent conflicts have been solved through negotiations. This should encourage us to prefer talks over arms.

World Hello Day Quotes

_All kinds of suspicion, mistrust, and enmity can be overcome through peaceful talks and negotiations. Happy World Hello Day.

_Force should be kept in reserve as the last resort in solving conflicts until the options of talking and negotiating have been exhausted. Happy World Hello Day.

_Let us find out different channels of communication to solve disputes peacefully on World Hello Day.

_Let us start believing in the power of communication to solve the most embroiled conflicts in the world on the occasion of World Hello Day.

Make it a memorable day by saying hello to your enemies and celebrating World Hello Day in the most wonderful way.

Mamta Chaudhary

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