
Why is Self Care So Important?

It seems like every brand online is selling you the secret to a happy life all encapsulated in two magical words: self-care. This concept is will give you perfect skin, perfect hair and by extension a perfect life. But unfortunately, there isn’t one random product be it a face cream or hair spa is not going to solve the problems in your life. At the end of the day, it’s all up to you and what self-care means to you individually.

What Is Self Care?

The key thing to remember is that it is more than just a buzzword. Everything and anything cannot be just be labeled as self-care. True self-care is a practice that is sustainable and will help you be the person that you want to be. This is why a self-care routine for an athlete will be completely different from the routine for a writer. It’s all about accepting that life and our world are susceptible to change, but it is integral to take time to focus on our own needs.

It is important to understand your own physical as well as emotional to curate personal self-care. It all boils down to your headspace and what it needs, your self-care routine can vary from super simple to extravagant AF. The integral thing here is that it works for you. For me self care is post-shower massage with a relaxing massage oil, for you, it could be setting boundaries and for another, it could be a daily meditation practice or all three. You do you!

Map A Goal

To make sure you have a robust routine, you need a concrete goal that you’re working towards. Pitch down what you want and this will inspire motivation to work towards the goal and complement your discipline towards the routine. Regardless of what your goal may be, ensure you have a way of visualising it so you have a constant of what you’re working towards.

Make a Pinterest vision board, a note in your diary or even a post-it that you will see every day. This ensures you stick to your commitment on days that you’re just not feeling it.

Practice Makes Perfect

Step 1 was finding a clear goal. But now it’s time for Step 2 aka the hard part. Long before we had little pills and quick fixes to medical issues, physical and mental illnesses were solved by bringing the mind, body, and spirit in tune. It’s surprising but humans adapt quickly to positive changes.

Some of them that you could include are: 

  • Meditate even if it’s for a little bit. Research suggests that we only need 12 minutes of meditation a day to reap benefits
  • Exercise but also nourish your body with care. Schedule a monthly massage with Glow Relaxing.
  • Inculcate breathing exercises to your day
  • Do random acts of kindness. Easiest hack to happiness.

Most importantly, stay aware of your goals and keep them simple.

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