
Check out the 8 films with porn in them

Yes, you read it correctly. There are many movies that have real sex scenes in them. Today we are gonna be counting down some of the films with porn in them. Keep scrolling- 

Best films with porn in it

1. 365 Days

Films With Porn In

Since its debut, the movie has become a world-dominating cult. The moment it was released on Netflix, 365 Days is one of their most successful movie of all time. The plot revolves around a millionaire who forces a girl to fall in love with him. If you like enjoying hardcore love-making scenes then this movie is right on your alley. Viewer discretion is advised as it has more sex scenes than dialogues. 

2. Unfaithful


The movie was a sexual awakening for many 90s kids out there. The erotic thriller was released in 2002. It shows a woman played by Diane Lane having a secret affair with a mysterious guy. The movie has great sex sequences filmed in public places and on rooftops to name new places. Soon things get serious when her husband finds out about this. 

3. Amar

The movie touches subject that many youths are facing today. It shows a Spanish couple whose passionate love makes them fall for each other madly. It explores the early stages of a romantic relationship where everything looks good and cheerful along with amazing sex life. Once they are over it, they realise the relationship is not as meaningful as they thought it would be. Relatable?? It is all a game of sex not feelings. 

4. Indiscretion

Watch how love can turn into an obsession. It explores a secret affair between a married child psychiatrist and his lover, Victor exotic sculptor. Once she realises what they have is wrong and can’t have a future, they break up. Although Victor has other plans for her that are far more dangerous. 

5. Love

A movie where actual sex scenes are performed and all the scenes are shot in 3D. The movie is directed by Gasper Now who is known for pushing the limit of the movie as well as the actor who is in it. It is hard to get the movie but online you will many websites who are offering free download links. 

6. Nymphomaniac Volume I and Volume II

Well, this can escalate your mood to a whole new level. Directed by Lars Von Trier. Make sure you are home alone once you start watching it. The plotline along with the love-making scenes will keep you hooked to your TV screen. 

7. Newness

Martin and Gabriella start their love relationship after meeting through a dating app. But we all know the internet is far different from the actual world. The story revolves around their relationship emotionally as well as physically. 

Priyadarshi Shastri

Priyadarshi Shastri, a seasoned writer with 5 years of experience, holds a degree in PR from Amity University. An authoritative voice in Entertainment, Lifestyle, and Trending News, his trustworthy insights captivate audiences worldwide.

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