It has been defended by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg amid the ongoing controversy over the new privacy policy of instant social messaging platform WhatsApp. Zuckerberg has said that there is no threat to privacy with policy updates. Let me tell you that after the announcement of the new privacy policy of WhatsApp, there is a lot of opposition to it. Under this policy, the company will have the right over the data of WhatsApp users and will have access to the bank account and financial transactions of the users. This policy was said to be implemented from 8 February. This is the reason that a large number of people are adopting other messaging apps Signal and Telegram.
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What did Mark Zuckerberg say
Mark Zuckerberg has said that WhatsApp’s policy update will not change the privacy of friends or family messages. He said that all messages on WhatsApp will be end-to-end encrypted. According to Zuckerberg, only WhatsApp’s business account will share data.
Policy deferred till 15 May
Mark Zuckerberg has said that WhatsApp’s new privacy policy has been postponed until May 15. The purpose of this policy is to share the data of commercial users with WhatsApp’s business accounts with parent company Facebook. Let me tell you that the Government of India has written a letter to WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart asking him to withdraw this policy.
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Extended time for policy updates
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has extended the deadline to implement it to understand updates to the policy following the company’s quarterly results. Zuckerberg has said that all messages on WhatsApp will be encrypted end-to-end as before and no other person will see or hear them. The sharing of data will only be for the business account, for which approval will be taken first.
Crores of messages are sent on business account
WhatsApp’s business account has become quite popular. Many people use it to promote their business. According to Zuckerberg, 17.5 million people send messages daily on WhatsApp’s business account. Zuckerberg has said that the company is going to introduce new features to make messaging on business accounts even easier.