India News

Rahul Gandhi earns Rs 1.02 crore in 2022-23 and owns immovable property worth Rs 11.15 crore

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, seeking re-election from Kerala’s Wayanad, declared assets worth Rs 9.24 crore, including Rs 55,000 cash and Rs 26 lakh in savings. He earned Rs 1.02 crore in 2022-23 through various sources. Gandhi faces competition from CPI’s Annie Raja and BJP’s K. Surendran in the upcoming polls on April 26.

In an affidavit submitted to the returning officer, Gandhi disclosed his financial details, including income from salary as Wayanad MP, bank interest, dividends, bonds, and royalties earned. He also owns immovable property worth Rs 11.15 crore, including commercial buildings and land, both agricultural and non-agricultural.

Rahul Gandhi’s financial transparency comes ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in Kerala, where he secured a landslide victory in 2019. The competition includes CPI’s Annie Raja and BJP’s K. Surendran, with polls scheduled for April 26 to elect all 20 MPs in the state.

Gandhi’s disclosure of assets worth Rs 9.24 crore, income of Rs 1.02 crore in 2022-23, and ownership of immovable property worth Rs 11.15 crore, sheds light on his financial standing as he faces off against opponents in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Kerala on April 26.


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