
Soon 2 more substations, one for the Noida airport

Noida– In the latest development, two more substations with 220V capacity each will soon be ready by this year’s July and October be stated by the officials on Tuesday. The upcoming stations will be able to supply residential sectors that come under  Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) area. 

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As per the officials, Sector 18’s substation will be ready by the August or July end. It will provide power to nearby areas including supplying 93MW to Noida International Airport. As for the second substation, it will be ready by the end of this year’s October. These substations will be spread over the 12 acres of land with a cost worth of Rs 54.76 crore for Sector 24 and Rs 42.30 crore for Sector 18 respectively. 

Additionally, these substations will be connected to a 765 kV substation for power at Jahangirpur. Once they are final, it will be able to generate 500 MW of power supply benefitting nearby areas including Sector- 20,18,22D,24 and 22E to name a few. 

We have built two substations of 220 kV capacity each for supply connections of Yamuna Authority sectors. These are being built in Sectors 18 and 24 of YEIDA. The Sector 18 substation will be ready next month and become operational by August 15. Work is almost 90% complete. It will also provide about 93MW supply to the upcoming Jewar Airport,” stated by Satendra Singh chief engineer, transmission (west zone, Meerut) Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (UPPTCL). 

He further added that these substations will be made in an air-insulated technique and can generate power from Jahangirpur’s 765 kV substation. Currently, the power supply in some Yamuna areas is being done through Sector-32’s  220 kV substation. “A substation of 220 kV capacity has been built in Sector 32 of YEIDA which provides power to industrial sectors of the authority,” stated by an official from the transmission

Priyadarshi Shastri

Priyadarshi Shastri, a seasoned writer with 5 years of experience, holds a degree in PR from Amity University. An authoritative voice in Entertainment, Lifestyle, and Trending News, his trustworthy insights captivate audiences worldwide.

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