
Easy Ragi Poha Recipe for a Healthy Start

Ragi Poha is one of the most popular breakfast and evening snack options in India. It is loaded with protein and healthy fats which help in retaining muscle mass by slowing down the ageing process. The popularity of finger millets has grown tremendously in the last few years being 2023 claimed as the “International Year of Millets.”

Therefore, people are slowly switching from wheat and rice to finger millet for its exceptional health benefits. Here is one easy and quick high-protein Ragi Poha recipe to start your day with or fulfill your cravings with. Cook and serve warm!

Recipe By c4cooking
Course: Breakfast, Snacks Cusine:Indian Difficulty:Easy


3 minutes

Preparing Time

5 minutes

Cooking Time

15 minutes


510 kcal


  1. 2 Cups Ragi Poha (Ragi Flakes)

  2. 2 TBSP Ghee

  3. 2 TBSP (chopped) cashew nut

  4. 1/2 Cup (grated) coconut

  5. A pinch of Cardamom powder

  6. 2 TBSP raw sugar or jaggery


  1. For preparing healthy ragi poha, first of all, heat a frying pan. Keep the flame in medium.

  2. Then add Ghee, and let it melt.

  3. Then add chopped cashews, and fry until they turn golden brown.

  4. Then add ragi poha or ragi flakes.

  5. Fry the poha for two minutes on low heat.

  6. Then add grated coconut, and fry for one more minute.

  7. Add cardamom powder and raw sugar or jaggery as per your preference.

  8. Mix everything for two more minutes and then turn off the heat.

  9. Serve a healthy and tasty Ragi Poha recipe when warm.


    Ragi Poha can be customised by adding peanuts, and raisins to make it more tasty.

    If using jaggery, then jaggery powder is recommended.

    Keep the flame low to medium to avoid poha getting burned.

Also Read: Delightful Dal Appe: A Recipe for Flavorful Indian Dumplings

Subhashree Panda

Subhashree Panda: A proficient content writer, editor, and researcher. With 4 years of experience and an MBA in finance, she crafts compelling narratives on global events. Her passion for diverse journalism genres resonates widely, fostering broad audience connections.

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