
Singles Awareness Day 2023 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, Greetings, Memes, Jokes, and Captions

Singles Awareness Day is observed on February 15th every year. If you are one of those who are single and against the idea of Valentine’s Day then this day is perfect for you. Or if your proposal is declined by your crush on V-Day then you are eligible for Single Awareness Day too. 

Firstly, Originally, Valentine’s Day became a SAD (Singles Awareness Day) day for those who have no one in their life. So, they decided to go against the idea of love and started revolting. They prefer to choose self-love and empowerment instead of making someone else feeling feel loved. You must have heard the lyrics of a song by Lizzo- “True love finally happens when you’re by yourself.” Singles Awareness Day is the day of accepting and loving yourself. 


Just like many other days or movements, this day was recognised after many felt isolated In 2002, Dustin Barnes created a day for his friends where they can enjoy their singleness, and love themself instead of living in the depressed cloud. The group decided to choose February 15th as a way to show their protest against Valentine’s Day. Slowly they started loving the idea. Later when Dustin moved to Mississippi State University to pursue higher education, he carried the tradition there too. The movement started gaining popularity in mainstream media. In 2005, the day was copyrighted and continued to grow worldwide. As per the latest census results, almost half of U S population is single. This is the reason why the day became so popular. Many like to celebrate it through brotherhood, gifting their single friends gifts, going to parties and setting-up group dates. 

Celebrate this Singles Awareness Day 2023 using these best quotes, images, wishes, greetings, messages, jokes, memes and captions.

Best Singles Awareness Day 2023 Images, Wishes, Jokes, Quotes, Messages, Captions, Greetings, and Memes

Singles Awareness Day

“How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself.” — Anais Nin

Singles Awareness Day 2023

“The best thing about being a single woman is you can sleep around. You can sleep all over that bed of yours. Left. Right. Middle.”

Singles Awareness Day Quotes

“I don’t need a man to rectify my existence. The most profound relationship we’ll ever have is the one with ourselves.” — Shirley MacLaine

Singles Awareness Day Images

If being in love is what it means to be free, then this Valentine’s Day my heart is in solitary confinement!

“What’s better than having a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day? Being single on February 15th. All the wine and candy is half off, and no one cares if you get fat.”

Priyadarshi Shastri

Priyadarshi Shastri, a seasoned writer with 5 years of experience, holds a degree in PR from Amity University. An authoritative voice in Entertainment, Lifestyle, and Trending News, his trustworthy insights captivate audiences worldwide.

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