
Study Room Vastu Tips: How Vastu Can Help You Succeed In Your Studies?

Study Room Vastu Tips: If you’re looking for an edge in your studies, you may want to consider using Vastu principles in your study room. Vastu is the ancient Indian science of keeping five elements of nature in their right positions and right proposition. It is believed to be invented by the God of Creation, Vishwakarma. Vastu has been shown to be effective in helping people achieve their goals and improve their lives.

Though science doesn’t believe in Vastu like it does not accept God. However, hundreds of millions of people around the world claim their life changed after they followed some simple rules from this ancient Indian system and used them to make homes more welcoming places for family members or themselves- even if you don’t agree with all its principles there’s no denying how powerful Vastu is.

It is important to take care of Vastu while building a house, but it’s just as important not forgetting the child’s study room.

Do you want to be successful in your studies? Of course, you do! And Vastu can help. Astrologer Yogendra, with over 20 years of experience in Vastu and Astrology has some great tips on how to use Vastu to your advantage and improve your grades. According to him, following Study Room Vastu tips is one of the most important things you can do to ensure academic success. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Study Room Vastu and give you some tips on how to apply them in your own life.

Study Room Vastu Tips to ensure your Child’s Future successful

Best Direction to Study

In conversation with our senior editor, Astrologer Yogendra said that when a student sits to study he should make sure his face is in the NORTH or the north-west direction. The best way to build a strong foundation is by starting with your back. So make sure there will be a wall behind your back.

Building a 5-direction room or converting an unusable room into a study can cause stress to students who have trouble focusing on one thing at once.

Best Direction to Study for Competitive Exams

Yogendra Ji states that to prepare for a competitive exam one should study in the EAST direction, as it is where growth lies and you can guess this from the fact the sun rises every morning from the EAST.

Best Direction for Study Table according to Vastu

It is important for students to be careful about the placement of their study table. If it’s not placed correctly, or if you’re sitting in an awkward position while studying then this could lead to poor performance on exams and tests!

According to Vastu, the table should be kept in such a way that the head will be in the north, west or north-west direction.

Also Check: Top 5 Best Vastu Consultant in Delhi & India

Study Room Vastu Tips: Furniture for Study Room

  • The vastu says – The study table should be square or rectangular in shape.
  • Establishing clear quartz on the study table is considered very auspicious as per Vastu Shastra as it is believed it ehance the student’s concentration.
  • East and North Direction should be light, while Cupboard or Storage Cabinets for books should be in the South and West side.
  • Do not stack books on the study table; instead keep them in a closed cabinet.
  • Vastu also says, a mirror should not be visible from the study table, it can effect student’s concentration.

Best Colour for Study Room according to Vastu

The Astrologer Yogendra Ji says that according to Vastu shashtra, the colour of your study room should be white or light cream. Talking about why this is so he states “Light-colored walls maximize concentration because they create an environment where you feel comfortable and at ease with yourself.” Furthermore, it has been mentioned in passing by many sources including ancient Hindu texts which state “One must place a picture opposite their desk displaying Maa Saraswati,” she being both goddesses for speech & wisdom as well learning!

Also Read: Vastu for Master Bedroom – North East Bedroom Vastu Remedies

Mamta Chaudhary

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