20 Quotes About Zeus From Famous Philosophers
Zeus is an ancient god in Greek mythology. He is considered the god of sky and weather and the Roman god of the planet Jupiter. His name is also often related to the god Dyaus, a sky god in Hindu Rigveda. Zeus is known for his massive power such as bringing lightning, thunder, and winds. He has his own weapon i.e a thunderbolt. He is regarded as the ruler and the protector of humankind and gods.
As per Cretan myths, later followed by Greeks too. It is mentioned that Cronus, King of Titans learned that one of his children will dethrone him so to handle matters in his own hands he started swallowing his children. His wife Rhea saved the infant Zeus by using a stone wrapped in a cloth. Cronus swallows a stone while rhea hides Zeus in a cave on Crete. He was brought up by Nymph, a female goat, and protected by young warriors Curetes. They used to clash their weapon to hide Zeus’ baby cries. After he grew up to be a man, he started a revolt against the Titans subsequently he won by dethroning the Cronus. He was supported by two of his brothers Poseidon and Hades.
He is the ruler of heaven, he helped other gods to win against the Giants. As per the Greek poet Homer, heaven is situated on the summit of Olympus, it is the highest mountain in Greece and home to the god of weather. From Mount Olympus, he used to manage all the affairs and governing system along with resolving any kind of conflict in the area. Apart from being a great leader, he had a strong connection with his daughter Dike. He had always protected her, teaching her sword skills that helped her to fight against anyone who wanted to harm her.
Famous Quotes On Zeus, The King of Gods in Greek Mythology
“Lead me, Zeus, and you, Fate, wherever you have assigned me. I shall follow without hesitation; but even if I am disobedient and do not wish to, I shall follow no less surely.” – Cleanthes
“The wise is one only. It is unwilling and willing to be called by the name of Zeus.” – Heraclitus
“Zeus detests above all the boasts of a proud tongue.” – Sophocles
“For know that no one is free, except Zeus.” ~ Aeschylus
“For the lips of Zeus do not know how to lie, but bring to fulfillment every word.” – Aeschylus
“Bear up, my child, bear up; Zeus who oversees and directs all things is still mighty in heaven.” ~ Sophocles
“The dice of Zeus always fall luckily.” – Sophocles
“Till Zeus sent to make him rave.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Glory to Zeus’ aegis-day” – Ezra Pound
“Wishing thee wholly where Zeus lives the most, within the eventual element of calm.” – Robert Browning
“To Zeus, the mighty Father, she, with plaint and prayer, departed.” – Henry Kendall
“Great Zeus, save the woman, or she will sit before your feet in a veil, and tell out the long list of her troubles.” – Ezra Pound
“Zeus role as the god of fate.” – Pietro Pucci
“Zeus truly often does disregard the general disapproval of the gods and acts just as he likes.” – Pietro Pucci
“Aphrodite has the beauty; Zeus has the thunderbolts. Everyone loved Aphrodite, but everyone listened to Zeus.” – Esther M. Friesner
“Bear up, my child, bear up; Zeus who oversees and directs all things is still mighty in heaven.” – Sophocles
“An ancient dictum, says that when Zeus wanted to destroy someone, he would first drive him mad.” – Jean-Marie Le Pen
“Prous is the spirit of Zeus-fostered kings, their honor comes from Zeus, and Zeus, god of council, loves them.”- Homer
Zeus it seems has given us from youth to old age a nice ball of wool to wind-nothing but wars upon wars until we shall perish everyone.” – Homer
“Commissioned by high-thundering Zeus, to lead a maiden to Prometheus, in his tower.” – Henry Wadsworth