
5 Best Astrologer in Mumbai for Expert Guidance

In this article, we are going to know in detail about the 5 best astrologers in Mumbai who can help you get rid of your problems using their knowledge of ancient knowledge.

Astrology is a way of analyzing the functions and actions of celestial bodies to comprehend and forecast past, present, and future human affairs and natural phenomena. It can be helpful for you in several ways, such as providing insight into your personality and potential, helping you navigate challenging circumstances, and delivering advice for making essential judgments. It can also be a source of motivation and a method to link with the larger cosmos.

Jyotish Shastra, also comprehended as Vedic astrology or Indian astrology, is an ancient system that has its bases in the Indian subcontinent. The roots of Jyotish Shastra can be outlined around the Vedic period in ancient India, which is accepted to have started around 1500 BCE. The earliest known texts on Jyotish Shastra, the Vedanga Jyotisha, date back to the 2nd millennium BCE. Over time, the system of Jyotish Shastra has evolved, and it persists to be used and studied in the present day. It’s considered one of the oldest forms of specific knowledge that is still being used and studied.

Without any further ado, let’s come back to the main topic: the 5 best astrologers in Mumbai who will help you out from your difficult times.

Top 5 Astrologers In Mumbai (2023)

1. Astrologer Yogendra

Best Astrologers in Mumbai

Astrologer Yogendra is the best astrologer in Mumbai. With 25+ years of experience in Vedic astrology, he has earned a reputation for providing factual and insightful readings. Astrologer Yogendra is an expert in the diverse branches of astrology, including Vedic astrology, numerology, palmistry, gemmology, and Vastu. Mr. Yogendra offers personalized resolutions to people, corporations, and enterprises via phone or video call. For his ability to give accurate predictions and valuable advice to his clients, he is widely recognized as the best astrologer in the city of Mumbai. Astrology Yogendra operates his presence worldwide via his online web portal:

2. Sanjoy Chatterjee

With over 30+ years of experience, Pandit Sanjoy Chatterjee holds an MBA degree from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Best known for his advice released on health issues, family problems, relationship reunions, and successful corporate life, Mr. Sanjoy Chatterjee is regarded as one of the best astrologers in Mumbai, who offers Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra-based astrological advice.

3. Jitendra Guruji

Known for Face Reading, Tarot Card, Numerology, Kundli Matching, Vedic Astrology, Vastu, Face Reading, and Vedic Puja-related advice, Jitendra Guruji gives 99.9% accurate predictions. He is counted among the most famous and best astrologers in Mumbai.

4. Dr. Sundeep Kochar

Astrologer Sudeep Kochar is an Indian astrologer, numerologist, and Vaastu consultant based. Known for his expertise in the field, Dr. Sudeep has been featured in several media outlets including newspapers, magazines, and television shows. He has been practicing astrology for over 20 years. He is also an author and writes on astrology and related topics in newspapers and magazines.

5. Neel Chooksi

Renowned astrologer Mrs. Neel Choksey, from Mumbai, reads horoscopes and provides sage advice to people. To date, a prominent female Indian astrologer has helped countless people to get out of difficult times. Mrs. Choksi has a remarkable track record of providing valuable resolutions.

General Knowledge of Astrology You Need to Know

What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a traditional form of astrology that originated in ancient India. It is based on the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth can provide insight into their personality, life path, and destiny.

How Vedic Astrology Works?

Vedic astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology, and also focuses on the use of lunar mansions and the dasha system, which is a method of timing events in a person’s life. It is a holistic system that incorporates not only the study of the individual’s horoscope but also the study of the planetary cycles and how they relate to the individual and the world.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is a belief in the divine, mystical relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things. It is based on the idea that the universe and all life is mathematically constructed and these constructions can be understood through numbers.

What is Palmistry?

Palmistry is a form of divination that involves the study of the lines, shapes, and patterns on the palm of the hand to predict someone’s future and reveal their personality.

Lokendra Deswar

Lokendra Deswar: A visionary Editor-in-Chief at Unique News Online, Lokendra wields 6+ years of seasoned experience. His academic prowess and keen insights shape his coverage of Politics, Viral stories, Sports, and Technology, offering a well-rounded perspective that captivates and informs.

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