
IDF reports Israeli soldier killed and five others seriously injured in southern Gaza

An IDF soldier was killed and five others seriously injured in fighting in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday, bringing the total number of slain troops in the ground offensive against Hamas to 247. The deceased soldier, Staff Sergeant David Sasson, 21, was from the Oketz canine unit.

The IDF reported that at least 12 soldiers were wounded, with five of them seriously injured in the battle against Hamas operatives. Three soldiers from the Commando Brigade and two from the Oketz unit were among the seriously injured. In a separate incident in southern Gaza, another soldier from the Commando Brigade was also seriously wounded.

The ongoing conflict between the IDF and Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip has been escalating, resulting in casualties on both sides. The IDF continues to carry out operations against Hamas operatives in the region, with the recent casualties highlighting the dangerous conditions faced by soldiers on the ground. The loss of Staff Sergeant David Sasson is a tragic reminder of the risks faced by IDF troops in the line of duty.


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