The Chief Executive Officer of, Brandon Howard, has been all over social media after cyberbullying Rupica Sudan, the renowned influencer and TikToker.
This happened because when Sudan shared a video on Instagram of her father cooking her a meal, Brandon Howard shared his unwarranted opinions in the comment section.
Since then, the social media accounts of the CEO are no longer available online.
Influencer Rupica Sudan and the Parchment Paper CEO Brandon Howard’s Whole Story
Rupica Sudan, the TikTok influencer, shared a video on her Instagram where her father could be seen cooking her a meal on HexClad cookware. Users all over the internet found the video wholesome. However, the CEO of Parchment Paper commented,
“Must be nice living on easy mode,”
from the official Instagram account of Parchment Paper, “@parchmentpaperdotcom.”
Sudan took the comment as a compliment and replied,
“Lucky to have parents who make it possible.”
Brandon Howard then made a scathing remark,
“Yeah, we get it. You have no skills and family money.”
This led to an online brawl between both parties, with netizens joining in and expressing their opinions as well.
Sudan initially thought the Instagram account was hacked, thus claiming that the “business’s account was leaving cyberbullying comments.”
The CEO himself responded by stating that Sudan lacks a skill set and is surviving on her family’s wealth.
Moreover, Brandon Howard also asked her to delete the initial comments and ignore the brawl.
The CEO went to Sudan’s official Instagram account and said,
“Enjoy frolicking through life and leave the rest up to us adults who create actual economic value without a trust fund.”
When the incident went viral, Brandon Howard sent a cease and desist notice to Sudan. Sudan found the letter hilarious upon spotting spelling mistakes in the same.
The CEO of Parchment Paper also sent her another email in which he accused Sudan of defamation.
He named a legal company Rocket Lawyer, and upon investigation, Sudan found that he was not a client of the legal firm in the first place.
Brandon Howard held a “crybaby sale” on the website and announced that,
“We do NOT support woke feminist cancel culture hate mob groups who do nothing positive in our community.”
Later the CEO also contacted Rupica Sudan’s boss.
He wanted Sudan to delete the TikTok video that she made explaining the entire situation.
The Parchment Paper CEO coined his comments were never aggressive.
Thus, he mentioned,
“I’ve already apologized for the original comment but it just seems like it’s a huge joke for these ‘influencers’ who have no idea what it’s like to create economic value yet throw a huge negative media storm to make somebody else’s life worse. Never would I set out to negatively impact the ability of somebody else to feed their family, pay bills, or damage something they have worked years and years towards not to mention the several hundred thousand dollars being risked.”
The TikToker finally advised that whoever wishes to leave heated comments should not do so from a business or company account, but rather from a troll account.
Netizens’ Reactions
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