
STEP-BY-STEP Bolinas Recipe Guide

Bolinas are famous cookies available in Goa made up of grated coconut and semolina. These are one of the must-have(s) during Christmas celebrations and as a tea snack for the entire year as well. Just one bite of these divine cookies will make you experience a burst of amazing flavor of coconut. Here is the simplest baked recipe of Bolinas that you can make and enjoy. Warning: Bolinas are addictive! You can not stop having just one!

Recipe By Platin' It With Wendy
Course: Dessert Cusine:Goan Difficulty:Moderate


4 minutes

Preparing Time

35 minutes

Cooking Time

35 minutes


232 kcal


  1. 250 grams Semolina (coarse variety)

  2. 2 large Eggs

  3. 200 grams White Granulated Sugar

  4. 28 grams Pure Ghee

  5. 28 grams Unsalted Butter

  6. 1/2 tsp Salt

  7. 6 crushed Cardamoms

  8. 1/4 tsp Nutmeg Powder

  9. 250 grams Fresh/Frozen Grated Coconut

  10. 1/4 tsp Vanilla/Rose Water

  11. Dash of Yellow Food Colour


  1. Preparing for Bolinas

    Take a big bowl and add pure ghee, butter, and sugar to it. Blend the mixture with the help of a hand mixer.<br>Then add one egg at a time and mix with the help of haa nd mixer at low speed. Beat until eggs are mixed up with the other ingredients.<br>Then add finely powdered semolina in two batches. Mix everything with a spatula.<br>Then add the grated coconut, again in two batches<br>Mix the coconut with the help of a spatula.<br>Then add crushed cardamom, a dash of yellow food color, grated nutmeg, and salt as per taste and mix everything well in the cut and fold method.<br>Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap or lid.<br>Let the mixture rest for 8-9 hours at room temperature.

  2. Baking the Bolinas

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.<br>Take a baking tray, and cover it with parchment paper.<br>Take a small amount of mixture in hand and roll it to make small balls or Bolinas.<br>Place the balls on the tray evenly spaced.<br>Take a knife and make an "X" in the middle of all the balls.<br>Bake the balls for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until they turn golden.<br>Take out and let the Bolinas cool down and enjoy!


    Adding food coloring is optional.

    Store the Bolinas in an air-tight container to avoid leaking moisture.

    Leaving the mixture at a low temperature helps semolina absorb the flavors and aroma.

    Mix the ingredients at medium speed to restrict the incorporation of air.

Also Read: Master Bhuga Chawal Recipe: STEP-BY-STEP Guide

Subhashree Panda

Subhashree Panda: A proficient content writer, editor, and researcher. With 4 years of experience and an MBA in finance, she crafts compelling narratives on global events. Her passion for diverse journalism genres resonates widely, fostering broad audience connections.

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