World Day of War Orphans Theme 2023: Quotes, Slogans, Messages, Images, and Posters to Share

World day of war orphans is observed on the 6th of January every year. It is celebrated to recognize the fate of all the kids who became orphans during the war or other crises. Due to this many children lost their parents and became alone. The main aim behind this day is to recognize the hardships these kids had to face in the world. World Day of War Orphans is used to highlight and raise awareness of the struggles these kids had to face because of the death of their parents.
According to the data, around 140 million kids are orphans due to war and other conflicts. SOS Enfants en Dresses, the French organization recognized this day in order to give credit to and recognize the voices of these orphans. The goal is to help these young kids to find their way through all the struggles of life and help them to establish themselves to earn their livelihood.
This day gives an opportunity to all the international organizations to tackle the war situations in the world. It also shed light on the hardship and loss people face after the war.
Children are the most vulnerable living being in the world. They have suffered the most due to war and conflicts across the globe. Losing your parents at a very young age makes you lose all hope and positivity. This is why this day was recognized in order to highlight their problems and how we can help them.
On 6th January, seminars are conducted to attract the attention of the public and urge them to support these innocent kids. It gives you a chance to show your support and spread awareness of the aftermath of war and conflicts.
World Day of War Orphans 2023 Theme
As of now, no official theme has been decided for this year.
Create awareness among your near dear and loved ones this World Day of War Orphans 2023 images, posters, slogans, quotes, and messages.
Best World Day of War Orphans Posters, Quotes, Images, Slogans, and Messages

“Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms, but once you do, everything changes.” -David Platt

“Orphans, are the one who has no parents, but have many parents. But having ones parents is more valuable than the other having many parents (it doesn’t depend on numbers, but the feelings matters).” -Siddwin S. Shetty

“God is pleased with no music below so much as with the thanksgiving songs of relieved widows and supported orphans; of rejoicing, comforted, and thankful persons.” -Jeremy Taylor