
First Aid for Coronavirus: Tips for Attending a Suspected COVID-19 Infected Patient if They are Not in Hospital or Are Waiting To Get Tested

First Aid for Coronavirus: Tips for Attending a Suspected COVID-19 Infected Patient (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

Coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world costing us an immense loss of lives, money and resources. However, most of us have only heard of COVID-19 patients and the ways to treat them. It mostly involves, secluding the patients and providing them with treatment from experts. But can you and I do something on our part to deal with patients who are exhibiting mild symptoms, people who are waiting for hospital beds or the ones who are yet to get tested? Turns out, we can practice some coronavirus first aid measures that can help us deal with suspected patients on our part.

Recently, the Delhi Health Department announces that people having mild and asymptomatic cases do not need hospitalisation. Given the population of our country, its treatments and tests may see a delay. We cannot deny that pace at which the numbers of COVID-19 patients are increasing and the ratio of healthcare providers and resources may create a huge problem. The Delhi government had recently ordered hospitals to discharge all mild and asymptomatic patients of the novel coronavirus with 24 hours of the admission and report them to district surveillance. However, a patient who is showing mild symptoms or are asymptomatic, are still carriers of the virus. If they are isolating at home it becomes a huge responsibility of the caregivers to make sure that it doesn’t spread. So here are a few tips for attending suspected COVID-19 patients who are not hospitalised or waiting for tests with symptoms:


Isolation is the most vital part. The coronavirus patient must stay at home away from healthy people. They might not show the symptoms but they are still the carriers of the virus and it can easily spread. Don’t have visitors, guests even to see the patient.  No contact with vulnerable individuals, like the elderly, people with the compromised immune system, underlying health conditions. This might put their health in jeopardy.


Patients usually have difficulty in breathing. Therefore it is very important that there is ample ventilation in the patient’s room. Open Windows, loose clothes just make sure they are not suffocating

Caregiver Must Protect Themselves

If you have taken it upon yourself to be the caregiver you must make sure to protect yourself. Right from 2-metre, to N95 masks, gloves and all the other protective gear is important.  The virus can travel about 3 feet via a cough or sneeze through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are released when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales.  Do not touch your face and sanitise from time to time.

Hygiene Rules

Apart from WHO’s special instruction, you must make sure that droplets carrying the virus that may land on objects and surfaces is cleaned regularly. Coronavirus is known to survive 72 hours on cold hard surfaces. You must take all the protection gear and then clean the surfaces the person might have come in contact with. A few things to keep in mind:

    • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, especially after caring for the patient.


    • Don’t touch your face, particularly your mouth, eyes and nose.


    • Protective gears are a must!



Fromm hydration, ample rest to meds and painkillers, do whatever the docs may suggest. You can get in touch with experts via helpline numbers.


While sanitising the house and cleaning the surroundings of the patient is a great thing to do, you must try to have a separate set of everything for them.

It is crucial to clean and disinfect whatever they use like towels, sheets at a temperature of 40C or more to help kill the germs. Separating their laundry is a must.

According to the Delhi Health Department these patients are recommended to be kept under home isolation or COVID 19 care centres or COVID hospital centres if their houses are not suitable for home isolation.

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