Khanapara Teer Result Today 07.12.2023 LIVE UPDATES

Khanapara is a bustling hamlet which is located in the extreme South of Guwahati and is best known for two things- It is a hub for regional transportation as well as the location of major state government institutions like Assam Public Service Commission, Assam Administrative Staff College, and The College of Veterinary Science. However, its claim to fame is also the Khanapara Teer Event which is played by the people residing in the North Eastern states.
Khanapara Teer Result Today 07.12.2023
The genesis of the word Khanapara can be traced to the word Khana which means food and Para, which means a settlement. In the times of yore, the place was the resting point for travelers before they continued with their journey for trade and commerce. However, Khana also means elephant in the local Khasi language and it is a reference to the forests and the wildlife which is abundant in these parts of the country.

The Khanapara Teer lottery is linked to an archery event that takes place in Meghalaya. The Khanapara Teer event is a legal game of betting in which the person buys a lottery of a fixed value from Rs 1 to Rs 100 and then bets on the number of arrows that will hit the target in the Khanapara Teer Event. If the guess is correct, the player can take home a reward that depends on the value of the Ticket purchased and the reward is many times the money invested.
F/R (04:10 PM) | S/R (04:55 PM) |
64 | 04 |
Hi Everyone, here we’ll update you with today’s latest Khanapara teer lottery result. So stay tuned.
Nov 07, 2023, 04:03 PM IST