Dreams about Tornadoes-Everyone dreams differently. Your visions in dreams always indicate where your life is heading at the moment. While some dreams are light vision, something many won’t remember when they wake up but there are some whose dreams are quite intense. Like being killed or attacked by a stranger or animal. If you are dreaming about tornadoes then you might be feeling destructive which could denote emotional struggle, out-of-control situation, anxiety or fear.
What does it mean when you dream about Tornadoes?
Actually, a tornado is quite a detrimental and powerful force. If you are dreaming about your loved one getting caught up in a tornado then it means you are scared of losing them in real life. Pay close attention to what you are dreaming about and what are the concerning factors that you can change in your real life.
I’m having dreams about Tornadoes-
If you are having dreams about tornadoes and fire, it can mean you might be behaving destructively towards your surrounding or a manifestation of fear and anxiety. Like crackling fire, campfires can also indicate rage or passion for something you are currently focused on in reality.
Dr. Alex Dimitriu is a sleep medicine and double board certified expert in psychiatry. He is also the founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine. He states that trying to analyze your unpleasant dreams, might improve your experience and fear. “The same is true of psychotherapy,” Dimitriu stated. “The act of shedding light on one’s fears is often curative of them. For anyone having frightful dreams, it helps to write them down in a journal, try to interpret them to make better sense of them, and communicate these ideas with friends and loved ones. Understanding is oftentimes most of the cure.” If such dreams are recurring or nightmarish it also indicates you are under stress and should be discussed openly with your therapist.