
Here’s What The ‘Sunrise or Sunset’ Trend On TikTok Is All About

A new TikTok trend has caused the internet to go amok and led to loads of attention and traction online. So, TikTok is like the hub of new and weird trends that suddenly start coming up. With TikTok, we also have relationship-Tok, which is basically where couples tend to post their couple reels and make others jealous and feel they’re missing out on love (which the comments on the videos suggest).

‘Sunrise or Sunset’ TikTok Trend Meaning

So, a new trend has begun where the partner has to ask their significant other whether they’re a sunrise or a sunset. This question might seem a little weird at the beginning, but then it’s pretty simple. Sunrise and sunsets are two natural phenomena that occur daily.

Both of them are super pretty, and some people tend to relish the view of both. However, in practical terms, both of them signify two different things. Now, to make your significant other choose which one you are is basically how they portray you in their eyes.

It’s a beautiful metaphor that is going on. Some of them are also making their best friends choose and get their answers. When it comes to the replies, some have said their s/o is a sunrise because they’re bright, shiny, and bubbly.

Some have replied they’re both because they see them at the beginning of the day and also before their day ends at night. Some of them are a little confused and have answered with “what” or “I don’t know.”

These kinds of trends are a fun way to have an insight into yourself through your partner. It keeps the relationship and the quirky spark that tends to get lost over time alive in a relationship.

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Shreshtha Banerjee

Shreshtha Banerjee: With 3 years in writing and collaborations with 5+ news platforms, Shreshtha, a BA in English graduate, is a trusted name. She masterfully covers Entertainment, Health, and Viral Events, showcasing expertise that resonates with a wide and discerning audience.

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