
What Happened To Grei Mendez, Divino Niño Daycare Owner Detained As 1-Year-Old Infant Dies Of Opioid Poisoning

Grei Mendez, the 36-year-old proprietor of the Divino Nio daycare in the Bronx, was detained on Saturday, September 17, as a result of the unfortunate death of Nicholas Dominici, a 1-year-old child, who died from what seemed to be opiate toxicity while in her care.

Mendez was detained and charged in relation to the incident that resulted in Nicholas Dominici’s death and the hospitalization of three additional kids due to fentanyl intoxication, along with one of her tenants, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, age 41.

Here’s What Happened To Grei Mendez, Accused Of Murdering 1 Year-Old Divino Nino Cause Of Opioid Poisoning

The NYPD claimed that on Friday, September 15, at Grei Mendez’s daycare facility was when Nicholas and the three other kids an eight-month-old girl and two two-year-old boys, became unwell after being exposed to narcotics.

Here's What Happened To Grei Mendez, Accused Of Murdering 1 Year-Old Divino Nino Cause Of Opioid Poisoning

First responders discovered the toddlers unresponsive and exhibiting signs of opiate exposure when they arrived on the scene. In an effort to revive the kids, they gave Nicholas, a 1-year-old, the opioid poisoning antidote Narcan. Tragically, Nicholas did not make it. The three remaining kids were taken right away to a hospital, where they are now being treated for their fentanyl poisoning.

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In relation to the fentanyl poisoning event that took place at the daycare center on Friday, September 15, Grei Mendez, the proprietor, and Carlisto Acevedo Brito are accused of murder, manslaughter, assault, and several drug-related offenses. During a search of the Divino Nio daycare, which was run out of private property, authorities reportedly reported finding a kilo press, a device normally used for packing pharmaceuticals.

“We spoke to the ones who are in charge … They recommended that place and apparently complied with all of the rules. We were on a waitlist for our son to qualify. Apparently, the place passed all of the inspections.

Supposedly that apartment was only for daycares, but the rumor is, from what we have heard, they also rented rooms” is what the parents said when asked about this devasting fiasco. It is highly unfortunate for something like this to have happened, however, we send love and prayers to the family who lost their child.

Shreshtha Banerjee

Shreshtha Banerjee: With 3 years in writing and collaborations with 5+ news platforms, Shreshtha, a BA in English graduate, is a trusted name. She masterfully covers Entertainment, Health, and Viral Events, showcasing expertise that resonates with a wide and discerning audience.

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