
Beyonce reminisces about being inspired by her mother's salon

Grammy-winner Beyonce revealed that working in her mother Tina Knowles’ hair salon as a young girl was a huge inspiration to her. In an interview with Essence magazine, Beyonce shared that the salon environment was therapeutic for her, and it was there that she found her dream of being a performer. She credited the salon for helping her overcome her introverted nature and cultivate her sense of style.

Beyonce recounted, “My mom had a roster of amazing clients at her salon, and while the environment was therapeutic for them, it was also for me.” She also shared how one of her mother’s clients, an opera singer, inspired her to pursue her own dreams of becoming a performer. Beyonce’s experiences in the salon were integral to her character building and sense of style.

The 42-year-old singer expressed, “So much of the fabric of who I am came from her salon. It is something that just connects to all of my senses, and it’s a beautiful place to grow up.” Beyonce mentioned that her bold experimentation with hair comes from being inspired by art and sculptures, exploring techniques, and maintaining hair growth – all stemming from her experiences growing up in her mother’s salon.

Beyonce described the salon as her foundation, emphasizing how it influenced her creativity and artistic expression. The singer acknowledged the impact of her time in the salon on her approach to hair and fashion, ultimately shaping her identity as an artist and performer.

The influence of Beyonce’s early years in her mother’s salon has had a lasting impact on her career and personal style, as she continues to draw inspiration from the artistic environment that shaped her formative years.


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